SoJones loves when a sexy Virgo can show the world how to stunt like Drake does on these average rappers. While we have Marcus Marsaliss ranking Go Fetti videos for the win, we will be sure to present you with this awesome interview with plus size model Nadia Aboulhosn. According to, which did an excellent post about Nadia, we get to learn about all of the things she got to share with other plus size models like at CurvyCon and the Fall 2015 Addition Elle, and what she tells others that has turned her into an international sex symbol. Because honestly, who the hell would turn down with a thick, beautiful lady? SoJones is the networking hub for fashionistas, so turn up with and Stevie Boi and forget those losers like the Lay Em Low old school geezers.
Check out this interview piece from MOD magazine:
MOD Magazine: You’ve mentioned before on social media that you were denied from fashion school, yet you still chose to move to New York regardless. Can you tell our MOD readers a little more about that, & what you learned from the entire experience?
Nadia Aboulhosn: I was finishing up my AA degree & when I found out I was denied, I have already been blogging a year and modeled for Seventeen Magazine and American Apparel. I just always have been the person when someone says no, I figure another way out. I don’t take no well. I remember finding out I was denied, I gave myself about 5 minutes to cry and then just said to myself, I have to make this work another way. I don’t know what that way is yet but I’m going to trust myself and the universe. I gave my job a 2 week notice, packed my car and drove up. I had a good friend who was in jail and he asked his family if I could live with them for a few months. I saved up about 2k and then got a little studio in Harlem. I was living off noodles and working 50+ hours a week just to get by. I just kept working on my blog, putting myself out there. And luckily I trusted myself and where I was at that moment of my life and I’m here today. I learned to trust me, to want the best for myself no matter what my current circumstance is. If someone says no, keep trying.
She’s right! When you find that all the people in your life are just making you miserable and saying no, you just keep going. Our only question before we post our intimate interview with Nadia next week is: are you ready to work with Stevie Boi? Because we are blinking like Nicki Minaj like, OMG this could actually work! Have you ever been as excited as we are about this realization? Let us know what you think about Nadia and how she can go from 0-100 like her hero Drake and never have to look back.
The post SoJones model of the Week: Nadia Aboulhosn appeared first on SoJones.